Top 10k strings from Spectrum Computing - Issue 07 (1984)(ASP Software)(Side B).tzx
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9 ;"START THE TAPE": 6 h;"Page ";a/h 6 - Q to Quit": 6 THEN PRESS ANY KEY 5 ;"OUT OF RANGE": 4 h;" 48K Only"''" Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 3 USE LIST 2 3 ;" STOP THE TAPE " 3 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE " 3 ;" ": 3 5555555555555555555? 2 xxxxxxxxxx 2 h;"16K or 48K"''" Press 2 or 3 for pages or"'" Hold S for 2 MDrev 2 DFrev 2 DBrev 2 BCrev 2 BBrev 2 AJrev 2 ;"PRESS ANY KEY" 2 ;" START THE TAPE ": 2 ;" Press any key to turn page": 2 ;" ": 2 ,yy;" "; 2 ************ 2 1 ~eeeeeeeeeeee 1 z(x)=b(x):: 1 z(x)=a(q): 1 xxxxxxxxxx " 1 xxxxxxxxxx 1 s, and cryptic clues to help you find what 1 s will no doubt find many happy hours here, withno great danger to the publi 1 s and apples just keep comingand you survive as long as you can. Ther 1 reviews2 : 1 q$="TAPE": 1 q$="STOP": 1 poker v! 1 p(pp)=p(i) 1 oneline=23320 1 oneline+61 1 on page three. This was drawn by tracinga picture onto a plastic sheet (supplied) which was then stuck on the screen as a guide.": 1 lect fromseveral sets of keys or use Sin-clair, Kempston, or Fuller joy- sticks."'" This general 1 hack 1 glasgow - 1 glasgow 1 ffffffffffff@ 1 fffffffff@ 1 eeeeeeeeeeee 1 eeee3e3e3e33e3e 1 e.lothian 1 credit=credit-bet 1 credit=credit+bet 1 credit=100 1 completely 1 code P 1 clogs c 1 bet>credit 1 bet=bet*500 1 bet=bet*40 1 bet=bet*100 1 bet=bet*10 1 b(x)=z(x): 1 a(q)=a(f+1 1 a$=" SPECTRUM COMPUTING " 1 THE FOLLOWING SUBROU- TINE SETS UP THE CODE FOR THE ONE LINE SAVE 1 STOP THE TAPE 1 SPECTRUMCOMPUTING 1 RAMTOP IS MOVED - YOU ARE ADVISED TO FOLLOW THE CHAIN-ING UNTIL YOU LEAVE THE REVIEW SECTION TO AVOID UNUSUAL EFFECTS 1 PRESS A KEY TO CONTINUE 1 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGOOOOGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGOOOOGGWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWGGOOOOGGWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWGGOOOOGGWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWGGOOOOGGWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWGGOOOOGGWWOOGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGOOWWGGOOOOGGWWOOGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGOOWWGGOOOOGGWWOOGGWWWWWWWWWWWWGGOOWWGGOOOOGGWWOOGGWWWWWWWWWWWWGGOOWWGGOOOOGGWWOOGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGOOWWGGOOOOGGWWOOGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGOOWWGGOOOOGGWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWGGOOOOGGWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWGGOOOOGGWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWGGOOOOGGWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWGGOOOOGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGOOOOGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1 MMMMMMMMMMMM~`x||b 1 MMMMMMMMMMMM 1 L,X;" " 1 Hello Mum! 1 HELLO, MY NAME IS CLEVER CLOGS I'M HERE TO TELL YOU ABOUT 8 GREAT GAMES FOR WHIZZ KIDS. GAMES THAT MAKE FUN OUT OF LEARNING. 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQGGQQQQQQQQQBBPPBBWWWW____OOOOOOOGGGGGGGGGGGBB``BBGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBPHHPBGGGGGGGGGFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBDHHDBGGGGGGGGGhhGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBB@@BBDDDDDDGGDDDDDGGGGGGDDDDGGGDDDDDDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGrrGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDDDDDDDDDGGDDGGGGGGDDGGDDDDDDDDDGGGGGGGGGEEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDDDDDDDDDDDDGGGGGGGDDDDDDDDDDDDDGGGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG))GG)))))))))))GG)))))))))))GG))GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGCCGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGCCGGGGGGGGGGGDDDDGGDDDDDDDGGGGGGGDDDDDDGGDDDDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG```````````````````````````````` 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 BBBBBBBBBBBBB 1 BBBBBBBBBBBB 1 ANDREW LONG 1 A$="HELLO, MY NAME IS CLEVER CLOGS I'M HERE TO TELL YOU ABOUT 8 GREAT GAMES FOR WHIZZ KIDS. GAMES THAT MAKE FUN OUT OF LEARNING." 1 A GREAT WAY TO INTRO-"; 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 ?????????????????????????????????????????:::::::::::::::::::::::??????????9999999999999999999999???????????????????????????????????????????????0000????????????????????????????8888?????????????????????????????8888?????????????????????:??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????((((000?????????????????????????((((888?????????888?????????????(((( 1 ?????????999?????????????((((888?????????999?????????????((((''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''000''''' 1 ;"~Q~ TO STOP OR ANY OTHER"; 1 ;"no. 6 to DEAL and Q to RECALL." 1 ;"WRITE THE WORDS TO"; 1 ;"WORD TOO LONG": 1 ;"WITH QUESTION RESET."; 1 ;"WINNINGS=";bet: 1 ;"WINNINGS=";bet 1 ;"WIN A GREAT PRIZE!" 1 ;"WHIZZ QUIZ"; 1 ;"WHICH ALLOWS YOU TO"; 1 ;"WELL DONE LADS!"; 1 ;"Use nos. 1-5 to DISCARD cards,"; 1 ;"Use No. 1 To Go Lower,"; 1 ;"TO YOUR OWN CHILDS"; 1 ;"TO TRY ANOTHER" 1 ;"TO REACH CAMP. GREAT"; 1 ;"THIS ONE IS MADE FOR BUDDING BEETHOVENS! A DOUBLE SIDED TAPE WITH A PIANO, A COMPOSER, AND A FUN MUSICAL QUIZ FOR GRADE ONE" 1 ;"THE PUZZLE WITH A BILLION MOVES SEND US TWO SOLUTIONS AND ENTER OUR GREAT COMPETITION. BAFFLE FLUMMOX AND PERPLEX" 1 ;"THE ARTS"; 1 ;"TEL: o1-437-0626" 1 ;"TEACHES LETTERS AND NUMBERS THE FUN WAY,BY GAMES AND RHYMES YOU CAN EVEN BLOW OUT THE CANDLES ON THE CAKE!" 1 ;"STRAIGHT" 1 ;"STOP THE TAPE"; 1 ;"STILL LOADING" 1 ;"STAR TRUCKER"; 1 ;"SOFTWARE REVIEWS"'' 1 ;"SILICON CHIP LUDO! A GAME OF SKILL AND CHANCE THATS A REAL CHALLENGE. FOR 1-4 PLAYERS." 1 ;"SHIPSHAPES"; 1 ;"SET THE QUESTIONS"; 1 ;"SCIENCE"; 1 ;"SAMS SAFETY"; 1 ;"SAFARI PARK CHASE."; 1 ;"ROYAL FLUSH" 1 ;"Power Graphics and Typesetter"; 1 ;"PLOT 80,42:DRAW 100,100,625": 1 ;"PLOT 80,42:DRAW 100,100,4125": 1 ;"PLOT 50,60:DRAW 100,100,425" 1 ;"PLOT 100,50:DRAW 100,100,525": 1 ;"PLEASURE OF MAKING"; 1 ;"PARTY TIME"; 1 ;"PAIR OF ACES": 1 ;"OUR SPACE SONG"; 1 ;"OR ASK AT W.H. SMITH OR ANY"; 1 ;"No. 0 To Go Higher"; 1 ;"NO. 1 GOLDEN SQUARE,"; 1 ;"Mount Florida,"; 1 ;"MORE ABOUT CLEVER CLOGS"; 1 ;"MICRO-DRIVIN from Softel"; 1 ;"LONDON WIR 3AB."; 1 ;"LOADING": 1 ;"LET TAPE RUN " 1 ;"LEADING SOFTWARE RETAILERS" 1 ;"JUNGLE JUMBLE"; 1 ;"IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW"; 1 ;"How do you like my "" 1 ;"Haddington"; 1 ;"HYPER SPACE HOLDS NO FEARS FOR THOSE WHO GET THE ANSWER RIGHT. STRATEGY AND TACTICS TAUGHT THE FUN WAY." 1 ;"HELP TEACH SAM ROAD SENSE AND SAFETY- WHICH IN TURN WILL MAKE YOUR OWN CHILD AWARE OF ROAD SAFETY." 1 ;"HACKER'S HANGOUT" 1 ;"Glasgow" 1 ;"GET THE LETTERS RIGHT"; 1 ;"GENERAL KNOWLEDGE" 1 ;"EVER WANTED TO CREATE YOUR OWN UNIQUE ZOO? NOWS YOUR CHANCE! ANSWER THE QUESTIONS CORRECTLY AND THERE IS YOUR PICTURE." 1 ;"E.Lothian" 1 ;"Dear Ed," 1 ;"DYSLEXIA BEATER from Dunitz"; 1 ;"DUCE YOUR CHILD TO THE"; 1 ;"CREDITS:";credit; 1 ;"CONTACT:-"; 1 ;"COMPETITION !"; 1 ;"Bill McIntosh"; 1 ;"Bill McIntosh": 1 ;"BLOCKBUSTER"; 1 ;"BET:";bet 1 ;"And P To Stand ." 1 ;"ARGUS PRESS SOFTWARE LTD"; 1 ;"APPLE JAM from Dk'tronics"; 1 ;"ALSO JOIN IN THE GREAT"; 1 ;"ACME Two Pronged Trivet": 1 ;"A.LONG"; 1 ;"A PROGRAM TO LET YOU SEE AND UNDERSTAND SHAPES THE EASY WAY BY LETTING YOU DRAW AND CREATE THEM USING SIMPLE AIDS." 1 ;"600 QUESTIONS ON EACH TAPE, DESIGNED TO ENCOURAGE AND STIMULATE. LINKED INTO SCHOOLWORK THEY KEEP THE CHALLENGE GOING BY FEEDING INTO THE CLEVER CLOGS GAMES" 1 ;"23 West Rd"; 1 ;"17 Stanmore Rd,"; 1 ;" TITLES AGE 9+ " 1 ;" TITLES AGE 7+ " 1 ;" TITLES AGE 5+ " 1 ;" TITLES AGE 3+ " 1 ;" SECONDARY KNOWLEDGE PACKS " 1 ;" Q to Quit or any other to Play " 1 ;" Q to QUIT or any key to Rerun " 1 ;" NEWS FLASH " 1 ;" LOADING " 1 ;" Dr. Franky from Virgin"; 1 ;" CLEVER CLOGS "; 1 ;" BROKE AGAIN "'' 1 ;" BEAR BOVVER from Artic"; 1 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO TURN PAGE " 1 ;" Press any key to turn page" 1 ;" Press any key for next page" 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 88888888888888888888888888888888::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::888888888888888888888 1 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1 5555555555555055555? 1 5555555555553555555? 1 5555555555545555555? 1 5555555545555555555? 1 5555555544555555555? 1 5555555544445555555? 1 2552525525544455225? 1 2552522545255252522? 1 2525255525222552225? 1 2522555222252352222? 1 2522525222555222552? 1 2522222522225222555? 1 2225222222242252222? 1 2222555222552255552? 1 2222522542252255255? 1 ,yy;" ";f$;" "; 1 ,yy;" " 1 )i))-((h((0p0(((((((8 1 (((((((h((((h(((((((((((((()((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((())i) 1 (((((((((((((((((((((((((x 1 ("YOU HAVE `";CREDIT;"."'"HOW MUCH TO BET? `"); 1 ''''&&&&&'''''''''''000'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''000''''' 1 ''''#####'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????88?????????????????????????????8888???$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1 '''" Suddenly all our letters are from Scotland. Notice how we only 'print' the complimentary ones? There's a lesson there foreveryone!"''" Once again we are awarding theStar prize to both letters. The Editors indecision is final. Ten" 1 '''" POKER By Kevin McCallion"''''" First round is Draw Poker (Aces or better to win)"'''" Second round is High or Low"''''" Starting stake `100" 1 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&? 1 "you a membrane (my neck is way out, here). Fitting it is a mat-ter of prying off the metal part(with the rainbow in the corner)then sticking the new bit where the old one was and gluing down the metal again." 1 "to lose weight, which means rat trouble anyway. However, you cansquash the rat by catching him under the lift (yech, what real-ism), and you can poison him by getting enough points. Just as you think you have the rat sort-" 1 "say they have fixed this, but they really shouldn't let us seea bug, 'cause we blab. The otherthing was a straight pinch of a LINE 1 REM routine from Wizard Prang, in their instructions." 1 "right order. If you get one in front of the truck you're stuck. You get four levels of music on this, from constant through occasional to off. Wonderful to have a choice, or several.": 1 "reviews2" 1 "program onto tape as if it were a program in itself."'" Alan's routine is written in m/code (of course) and, like allthe best of such things, it is relocatable or position indepen-dent or whatever words to the effect that it will run in any" 1 "perception without boring drill. The game in our snap is a minefield, which you cross using thecursor keys. Looks easy now, buton the next level the mines are invisible, and you have to rely on the detector. Things persue.": 1 "on the journalist's crib sheet. Two features that we discover-ed may be missing from the ver- sion you buy. One is a bug that causes a crash if you use singleletter inputs, sometimes. Softel": 1 "of modem going. The system is onringback, which means let the phone ring once then hang up anddial again to get the computer to answer (otherwise a human mayanswer). When you get the tone, switch on as with Prestel and" 1 "might want to put the routine elsewhere. You can do this most easily by changing the address assigned to the variable named 'oneline' in line 1000. The routine is in DATA state- ments in the subroutine at line 1000, and GOSUB 1000 will load the code routine into whatever" 1 "key ENTER a few times. You may be rewarded with an interesting contrast to Prestel, but bear with it if things don't work outas this is an enthusiasts free service, and Roger is still tun-ing as I write!" 1 "in the buffer too, for now. All you have to do save a linefrom your BASIC prog is get the EDIT cursor to point to it, ei- ther by poking the system vari- able E PPC (at 23625 and 6), or just moving it through the list-ing with the cursor keys. Then" 1 "from Prestel, but one or two arebeginning to offer Prestel com- patibility as well as the usual 300 baud. One of these is CBBS Cumbria, operated by Roger Drew,who is working hard to get his system to respond to every kind" 1 "ed out, a wasp appears from no- where and if you aren't hiding inside the sauna you are a dead graphic. Big wasp."'" This would seem to be a rare example of originality, owing nothing to the arcade machines.": 1 "e.lothian" 1 "address you make 'oneline' equalto. It is already resident at 23320 in the printer buffer, butrather than provide a menu dri- ven demo, I'll let you break in and move the cursor about to suit yourself." 1 "address you care to keep it in. It does, however, require the first 17 bytes of the printer buffer as workspace, regardless of where the routine itself is placed, so I have put the code" 1 "a RANDOMIZE USR oneline (23320 just now) will SAVE the line pointed at."'" The SAVEd one-line program is given the name LINE, which is the Sinclair key-word, CHR$ 202,and not four separate letters." 1 "WIDTH 1-"+W$;B 1 "Spectrum Computing's free plug didn't give enough details. A membrane costs `1.20, the rubber mat `2.17, and the metal plate .93, but there is a mini- mum of `3 plus VAT but including`1 carriage, so `3.45 should get" 1 "Of course, I've been wrong be- fore. You notice how it doesn't stop me sticking my neck out? Relatively simple to look at and with only two controls, leftand right, it is surprisingly tricky to play. Fast too. I did not get very far, scorewise. " 1 "LINE 0-"+W$;D 1 "If the number in E PPC is that of a non-existent line, after a line deletion for instance, the routine will stop with a 'State-ment Lost' error message. Remember that using the print-er will wipe the buffer, so you" 1 "INPUT A SHORT WORD-";Q$ 1 "HEIGHT 1-20 ";A 1 "Finally can I just say good luck in the future with 1 "COLUMN 0-"+W$;E 1 "COLOUR 1-255 ";C 1 "C15 computer tapes to each Scot,Chris. Oh, very well, I'll send them then. (Chris Palmer is sav-ing his strength for 'The Satur-day Show', as usual.)"''" -Ed." 1 "7";"From Buttercraft"; 1 ""NEW"" a program type RAND USR 0 instead " 1 "" version of Prang's Scroll?.I have found out some very interesting things about the 1 " Q$ can be set up as ~A~ and thefirst graphic will be printed onthe screen when the program is run." 1 " 3) That the Spectrum can be used to draw high resolution geometrical patterns-some examples follow" 1 " 2) To find out how much memory has been used by a program type ""PRINT USR 7962"" this will give 24044 bytes at switch on" 1 " 1) To save the 9 volt socket from wear ,instead of taking it out every time you want to 1 " You must avoid not only the ghosts (departed spirits whose bits went to construct the mon- ster), but also falling bricks and the trolley at the top. You can collect a hammer which aids you in climbing the maze.": 1 " You may have noticed when the program loaded, the enlarged screen prompt which was actuallyproduced using this program." 1 " We have a guest hacker with usfor this issue. Alan Cummings was so distressed by the awkwardway we suggested readers try to SAVE a Wizard Prang routine in aline one REM statement in issue two, that he wrote us a routine to SAVE just one line out of a " 1 " Um,how to begin? You have to eat the apples and the jam, as they fall, or the rat will get them and grow big enough to comeafter you, but if you get too fat you have a fit and use up one of your pills, so you have to spend some time in the sauna" 1 " To expand user graphics you need to alter two bytes in the program ie 32035 and 32036. These bytes make up a character pointer which acts exactly like CHARS in the system variables. I have found that an easy way touse them is to poke them with 520 bytes below the start of theuser defined area.": 1 " This tape will be of limited interest to most of our readers,but it is good to see worthwhileeducational material for the Spectrum. It's no PENETRATOR buta playable trio even for kids without reading difficulties.": 1 " This is a much sincerer form of flattery than mere imitation,and has raised the old boys spi-rits somewhat (he's been miffed because Prestel won't give him his own directory entry- said his name is silly!) Anyhow, theymay or may not have removed it." 1 " They also supply other genuineSinclair stuff like ULAs and manuals, in German if you want. Our final item is for those ofyou who have a Prestel modem andare looking for fresh fields. Most amateur bulletin boards operate on a different standard" 1 " These two graphics utilities enable one to quickly produce a pretty stunning display, and youdon't have to do any programmingto use them, either. They are interactive, producing results immediately on screen using cur-sors and one-letter commands." 1 " There doesn't seem to be any object or goal to this game. Therats and apples just keep comingand you survive as long as you can. There is always just a bit more going on than you can han- dle. Remarkably similar to real life in some respects.": 1 " There are lots of screens withroad junctions and towns, and cryptic clues to help you find whatever it is you are looking for. Getting underway in the first place will be a real test of your cunning, as I have no intention of revealing the clues" 1 " The third game involves flyinga rocket ship around barriers inthe required direction while a- voiding meteors and trying to meet up with fuel dumps as well. There are three skill levels, from fast to very fast, and a high score feature. You can playany of the 3 games at any time." 1 " The text is set up in Q$ and the codes for the characters arepoked one at a time into memory and the program run." 1 " The simple and cheap cure is anew membrane from:"'" Combined Precision Components 194-200 North Road, Preston Lancashire"'" Better yet, phone them on Preston 555034 and complain that" 1 " The idea is to get to the top of the dungeon, collect the vialof monster reviver and take it to the monster. Each time you dothis you get another screen, of which there are nine, (it says here, I didn't get past two.)" 1 " The controls for left, right, and jump are 1, 2, and 0, with no option to change keys or use a joystick. The layout works ok though, as there are few keys. The features offered are a bit limited for a 48K program, with no high score table or interme- diate screens." 1 " The controls are not user de- fineable but you can select fromseveral sets of keys or use Sin-clair, Kempston, or Fuller joy- sticks."'" This general sort of game has been seen before, but this is a most stylish version.": 1 " Silly business, but somehow I can't summon up the necessary emotional commitment to get any-where with this one. Refueling amonster seems like a bad idea inthe first place, and I can't help feeling that the ghosts have a prior claim." 1 " Reviewing adventures is trickyas almost any revelation spoils the readers enjoyment. Perhaps just a little one. I found that if I tried to leave the car, I went snowblind or summat. Had togrope my way back. Maybe you need a lamp after all.": 1 " Not one but three games, each especially designed by Doctors Terrell and Hornsby to provide apainless, indeed fun, way for word blind children to exercise their visualisation of spatial relationships." 1 " My illustrations do not demon-strate all the facilities of either program. Of the two, Pow-er Graphics is perhaps the more interesting, as it actually putsyour 'interactive' drawing into PLOT and DRAW statements for youto MERGE into other programs." 1 " Marvelous Disney-like title screen on this one, tempted to put it in the review instead of the game display. That is nice too, though. Very smooth motion and carefully worked out detail,but there is no way to eliminatethe clash when objects collide." 1 " Lots of people are starting totake the lids off of their Spec-trums now that the guarantees are running out, and many have problems with the keyboard mem- brane 'ribbon' connector break- ing after a year of being cookedby the heat sink." 1 " In the second game you must build a bridge across a river bycatching the correct letters as they fall from above, the let- ers having been chosen for theirconfusability." 1 " I'm pretty sure there is only the one screen, but the graphicsare nicely designed, with cute little touches here and there, like the blood soaked lift when you get a rat." 1 " I would like to close now by running a demonstration program to show clearly what the programis capable of and to say thanks to SPECTRUM COMPUTING for a veryinteresting and informative mag." 1 " I shall demonstrate by placinganother High-Res screen on page three. This was drawn by tracinga picture onto a plastic sheet (supplied) which was then stuck on the screen as a guide.": 1 " I haven't been terribly im- pressed by the offerings of Vir-gin Games so far, but this one is a cut above the others I've seen. While not incredibly ori- ginal (bit like a vertical Pac Maze), the graphics are good andthe action fast." 1 " However, those of you with an inherent tendency to necromancy and goulishness will no doubt find many happy hours here, withno great danger to the public.": 1 " Guarding the batteries are a trio of bovver bears and the Creature from the Black Lagoon, I think. One touch is IT, but you get a practice mode (for ba-by bears) to learn on invulnera-bly. Big bears get time bombs." 1 " Dropping batteries on the per-suers also works, and they dis- appear in charming little puffs of points. Further points are gained by reaching drinks that pop up from time to time. There is a high score table, too." 1 " Confusion between right and left, and up and down, on the printed page leads to difficultyin distinguishing, for instance,p,b,d,and q, or n,u,h and y. In this trilogy the player must usethe directions to play the game,which is meant to improve word" 1 " Being one of these unfortunatecreatures myself I decided to use this fact to good advantage to let the world in on my large letters program." 1 " Before you do that, though, I have a couple of addresses of a different sort for you. The first is in the nature of a Pub-lic Service Announcement, (they wouldn't buy an advert!)" 1 " Appearances are so deceptive! This is not an arcade racing game,but an adventure. The scen-ario is a treasure hunt island auto rally, and wits rather thanreflexes are required. It makes a change from the sword and lampsettings usual in adventures." 1 " All ladder climbing games havethat problem. Can't tell what's ladder and what's bear."'" The object is to get the bat- teries to run the truck to the next screen. Walking past a bat-tery will drop it one level, buttake care to drop them in the" 1 " The program has been written in machine code and has been putin memory from 32K and is about 300 bytes long. All the print parameters are set up in a data statement and poked into memory at the appropriate addresses." 1 " One of the great things aboutsending programs to a cassette type magazine is that you don't have to laboriously type out lists of program, a fact that isespecially exciting for those people who don't have printers." 1 !!!!11111111111!!!!? 1 !!!!%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%? 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? 1 which I would like to tell you,but first can I say; 1 readers,but it is good to see worthwhileeducational material for the Spectrum. I 1 SPECTRUM COMPUTING J 1 )))))))))))))))))))))((()))))))))****************-)(((((())****))*****************)(((((*((****))( 1 (age 12)" 1 " ( " (" 1 " xxxxxxxxxx 1 ( " ( 1 xxxxxxxxxx" 1 The tips I mentioned earlier are as follows" 1 " The board operates between thehours of 6:00 PM and 10:00 PM daily. Please keep to these hours and the ringback system tohelp Roger in his good work. Thenumber is 06992 314."'" This article now loops back tostart anew." 1 YOURS